Best Practice for CocoRio Families
At CocoRio, we pride ourselves in the ongoing training opportunities we offer our creatives so they can become the best version of themselves, and as professional as possible when meeting a family. Equally, we need families to be as welcoming as possible with our creatives!
Here are a few things to remember :)
Show the creative around your house, showing them the bathroom, potential cleaning products that you would like the creative to use to sanitise equipment (COVID-19 best practice)
Communicate all your expectations to the creative including any creative/child care expectation and anything extra including any light housework/cooking duty if required. Better to over communicate than not to communicate enough!
If the creative is staying with you for the whole day, we encourage families to provide some food. If that is not possible for you, please communicate this clearly so the creative can organise a packed lunch or be prepared to nip out to a nearby cafe
Please outline any house rules you may have, for example needing noise levels to be down, shoes off etc.
Please give as much feedback as possible, including positive feedback! Points to improve make it easier for the creative to meet your expectations and good feedback makes them more confident, both will result in good work!
If at the end of the first day you feel some of your expectations haven’t been met, please let the creative know and make sure they understand your expectations.
If you are booking a creative on a recurring basis, they may ask for some petty cash for materials, snacks for the children or any activities you’ve agreed they take your children too. This is between you and them so ensure you have an open discussion about how you would like this to work e.g. reimburse them when they provide a receipt/give them a monthly allowance, cash or BACS etc.
If you require the creative to travel back and forth - e.g. school pick up by public transport - you may want to consider offering to cover travel for those travelling costs, as they may not have a travel card and this may be considerably eating into their hourly rates. As for the petty cash above, this is something that you are welcome to discuss directly with your creative.
Know what to expect: creative and language immersion have long-term benefits for the development of your child. Results are not immediate and you will not have a fluently multilingual or award winning artist after just a few hours. It is important to note that results also manifest themselves in different ways depending on the child. Some may start seeming more confident, others will be better at concentrating and for some it may not be as obvious. The first few hours will be a ‘settling in’ period, which encourage the children and creative to get to know each other and build a relationship of trust. Sessions are most successful once there is a strong relationship between the creative and the child, hence why we encourage regular bookings of a few hours a week.
For any problem, get in touch with CocoRio 0208 126 5577 or
-Bookings can be cancelled by parents up to 2 working days before the beginning of the session.
-If an ad hoc session is cancelled within 2 working days of the beginning of the session, the fee will be due in full and no refund will be given. Clients can agree with the creative to reschedule a session instead.
-Bookings can only be cancelled by creatives in case of Emergency and if that happens you can contact the CocoRio Agency for support.