Hungarian Speaking Nanny In London

Safety first

All our creative nannies are fully vetted and undergo a thorough recruitment process.

Language Support

Hungarian-speaking childcare services provide an environment for children to develop and maintain their Hungarian language skills alongside English proficiency.

A magyarul beszélő gyermekfelügyeleti szolgáltatások lehetőséget biztosítanak a gyermekek számára, hogy fejlesszék és fenntartsák magyar nyelvi készségeiket az angol nyelvi jártasság mellett.

The most loved Hungarian dish in the UK

Goulash is a hearty and flavourful stew made with tender beef, onions, paprika, and other spices. It is often served with potatoes, noodles, or crusty bread. Goulash has gained popularity for its rich and comforting flavours, making it a beloved Hungarian dish in the UK.

This song is often sung by Hungarian children during the St. Martin's Day celebration on November 11th. It tells the story of St. Martin and his act of sharing his warm cloak with a beggar.

Popular Hungarian song

Safety and quality first