Olga has a wide range of experience working with children using various creative activities, many of which are focused on developing a toddler’s creativity and imagination through their senses using bright colours and games involving various textures and shapes. She always brings her mystery box to the sessions, inside is all kinds of equipment for boosting creativity and lets her adapt to any theme or activity that takes the child's interest. For example, in one of her sessions she made a cardboard house, with functioning windows and a door, for toddlers to play inside, and a bus together for their plushies. She also encourages messy play with paint pouring. She’ll cover the floor with bin bags and tape them together, so don’t worry the house is kept clean. 

To all her sessions she brings something different, it’s always a surprise, she listens to kids, focuses on their personal interest and works around everyone individually. She’s made an interactive theatre box with curtains and puppets, which helps toddlers and young children boost their imagination when creating their own characters. During another session they played archeologists and were digging for dinosaurs and hunting for their eggs. Of course they will never be left on their own at any time and she makes sure whatever activity we do it’s suitable for their age, safety comes first. During their sessions she plays nursery rhymes. Music helps kids to be more involved and active, especially when playing more movement involving games like homemade bowling and other sports games or yoga for the little ones.

Olga in a nutshell

Experienced with Toddlers to Teens

Experienced helping with homework

Fluent in Russian and Ukrainian and is learning Greek

Enhanced DBS check

Fully Vaccinated


Maddie Stoian


Tilly Gerrard