Nurturing Creativity: Crafting a Year of Creative Goals for Your Kids for an Inspired and Child-Led Journey

In a world that's rapidly advancing, creativity isn't just an artistic endeavour; it's a vital skill for problem-solving, innovation, and emotional expression. At CocoRio, we believe in nurturing this creative spark in every child. As we embark on a new year, it's the perfect time to set creative goals with your children, paving the way for a year of growth, discovery, and joy.

Understanding Creativity in Children

Creativity is not confined to art and music; it's a way of thinking and seeing the world. It involves curiosity, imagination, and the courage to explore new ideas. Children are naturally creative, but this creativity needs to be nurtured and encouraged.

Setting Creative Goals

Goal setting with children should be a fun and collaborative process. Here are some steps to guide you:

  • Inspire Curiosity: Start by exploring various creative fields with your child. Be it painting, writing, science experiments, or music – the key is to follow their interests.

  • Create a Vision Board: A vision board is a great way to visualise goals. This could include pictures of art projects they want to try, instruments they wish to learn, or places they want to visit for inspiration.

  • Set Achievable Goals: Break down larger goals into smaller, achievable steps. For example, if your child wants to learn a musical instrument, a goal could be to learn a new song each month.

  • Make it Fun: The journey should be enjoyable. Celebrate small achievements and allow room for change and flexibility in their goals.

Integrating Creative Goals into Daily Life

Making creativity a part of everyday life is essential. This can be as simple as having dedicated 'creative time' each day or incorporating creative thinking into routine activities.

The Role of Creative Professionals

At CocoRio, our creative professionals, including nannies and educators, play a significant role in nurturing a child's creativity. They can introduce new activities, provide guidance, and encourage children to explore their interests. Their support can be invaluable in helping your child reach their creative goals.

Encouraging a Child-Led Journey

It's important to remember that the journey should be child-led. This means allowing children to take the lead in their creative pursuits, even if it means deviating from the original plan. This approach fosters independence and confidence in their creative abilities.


Setting creative goals with your children is more than just a year-long plan; it's about nurturing a lifelong love for creativity and exploration. It's about giving them the tools to think differently, solve problems innovatively, and express themselves fully. At CocoRio, we are dedicated to supporting families on this creative journey, ensuring that each child's unique talents are celebrated and nurtured.

For more insights on nurturing creativity and setting goals with your children, explore our CocoRio blog.


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