Meet Leticia, CocoRio Creative Sitter!

A few months back, we sat down with Leticia Texidor, a young actor and acting coach, to find out a little bit about why she enjoyed working with CocoRio. 

 How has the pandemic affected your career as a creative professional?

Everything looked promising before the pandemic started: I was doing an MA at the prestigious Central School of Speech and Drama, I was building an incredible international network, I had tons of different projects... I could finally see the possibility of making a living as an actor and an actor trainer.  But then the pandemic happened and I felt like my whole life changed in one day. I could not see my colleagues anymore, all the projects fell through, my international friends left and the acting industry was indefinitely shut. The future was not promising or optimistic anymore.

On the positive side, I managed to adapt myself to the situation and I started my own business online, coaching actors, running workshops and even directing online. Although not ideal, I was able to keep my profession alive to a certain extent and to meet and work with people all around the world.

How has CocoRio helped?

Job seeking during the pandemic was tough until I found CocoRio. They gave me the possibility of having a side job that I could easily combine with my online work and that covered all my needs. Not only is it flexible and has competitive pay but I am learning and growing every day throughout my work and the training they provide.  Also, the atmosphere could not be better. Communication is so easy, and both Corinna and Léa (the Co-Founders) are very supportive.

 How do you inspire children through your work as a creative sitter?

The pandemic has been extremely hard for children. Interaction with their peers and having access to different stimuli and experiences are essential for their development. Besides using theatrical tools with them, as this is my area of expertise, I have focused on fostering curiosity and creativity through imagination. I also try to talk a lot with the children and to promote, and lead by example, a state of presence and awareness of the five senses. I think this is particularly important, to make up for the fact that interactions have become virtual, and somehow disconnected.

Would you still choose CocoRio for part-time work as opposed to other part-time alternatives such as working in a bar etc if it weren't a pandemic? Why?

Absolutely. Throughout my career as an actor, I have gone through many part-time jobs, which helped me pay bills when I did not have projects as an artist. I always felt like I did not belong in those places because they did not know who I really was, what I was really passionate about or what I was capable of. The difference between these jobs and CocoRio is that at Cocorio they not only understand that you have your vocation as an artist but they also value it and encourage that side of you.  They give space for your personal and unique skills so you can apply them when working with the kids. I feel like they see value in everything that makes me who I am, both personally and professionally. 

If this inspired you and you would like to become a creative sitter, we are recruiting! Equally, if you are a parent and you think creative sitters are amazing, we want to hear from you :)

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