Night Nanny London

Our overnight nanny service is offered as an add-on to top up one of our regular services: creative nannies and mentors, nanny shares or events & entertainment.

Extend your children’s care and book your creative nanny or mentor to stay overnight and provide care throughout the night. This covers up to 12 hours.

When to use an overnight nanny?

Our creative nannies and mentors are able to provide overnight care for your little ones whether you will be home or not.

If you’re heading out and not sure when you’ll be back, you can ensure that the children are well-cared for until the morning. Rather than putting a time limit on your evening out, book an overnight nanny to help alleviate any time related stress.

Some families like having a night nanny on hand from evening until morning when they are home to help look after feeds and if children wake during the night to let parents/carers sleep.

Do CocoRio have any maternity nurses?

Whilst this is not our specialism, some of our creative nannies and mentors have trained or are in the process of training as a maternity nurse.

Can CocoRio’s overnight nanny help with sleep training?

Our creative nannies and mentors are keen to help where they can. Some have sleep training experience. If this is something that is important to you, please let us know when giving your details and we will do our best to find you someone suitable.


  • At CocoRio, safety is our top priority. All our creative nannies hold a valid Enhanced DBS check, recent First Aid training, and have completed a Safeguarding course. Rest assured, your child is in safe hands with our service.

  • While formal childcare qualifications are not required in the nanny industry, our creative nannies are thoroughly assessed for their childcare skills, including their understanding of children's development and dealing with challenging behaviour.

  • Absolutely! You can request a call with the nanny prior to an initial session if you're looking for a regular commitment. Actions speak louder than words, and you'll likely know if someone is good for the job when you see them interacting with your little one(s).

  • The cost is £150 with no hidden costs and covers up to 12 hours.